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Appendix 1
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Name: ______________________________________ Class _____
Date: _____________________________________
A. Read each question and choose the best answer. Then mark “X” next to the correct answer.
1. Which can muscle cells form?
_____blood cells and bone cells
_____bone cells and cardiac muscles
_____bone tissue and involuntary muscles
¬¬¬_____cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles
2. Which are jobs of the skeletal system?
_____makes calcium, fights disease
_____helps you move, protects your organs
_____helps you breathe, makes your heart beat
¬¬¬_____protects you from disease, makes muscle
3. Which of these kinds of muscle is voluntary?
4. How does a pair of skeletal muscles work together?
_____Both muscles contract at the same time
_____Both muscles relax and then work together
_____When one muscle contracts, the other relaxes
¬¬¬_____When one muscle is voluntary, the other is involuntary
5. Which describes the path of air through the body after it enters the nose or mouth?
_____from bronchial tubes, to trachea, to lungs
_____from pharynx, to trachea, to bronchial tubes
_____from trachea, to bronchial tubes, to pharynx
¬¬¬_____from windpipe, to bronchial tubes, to trachea
6. Which is true of nerve cells, or neurons?
_____they are involuntary muscle cells
_____they are only found in the spinal cord
_____they are also called connective tissue
¬¬¬_____they are in the brain and in the spinal cord
7. What is digestion?
_____what happens in the heart and lungs
_____the process of making blood in bones
_____making sure the body has enough oxygen
¬¬¬_____the process of breaking food into a form cells can use
8. Which are organs of the digestive system?
_____esophagus, small intestine
_____connective tissue, tongue
_____spinal cord, large intestine
¬¬¬_____voluntary muscles, stomach
9. Which tells what the brain does?
_____brings oxygen to the blood
_____helps support the body
_____sends messages to body systems
¬¬¬_____breaks down nutrients so the cells can use them
10. What system is the brain and the spinal cord part of?
_____digestive system
_____circulatory system
_____respiratory system
¬¬¬_____central nervous system
B. Write the answers to the questions on the lines.
1. How do skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles differ?
2. How do the respiratory and circulatory systems provide oxygen to the body and rid it of carbon dioxide?
3. Describe the path of blood through the body.
Appendix 2
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Name: ______________________________________ Class _____
Date: _____________________________________
C. Read each question and choose the best answer. Then mark “X” next to the correct answer.
11. Which can muscle cells form?
_____blood cells and bone cells
_____bone cells and cardiac muscles
_____bone tissue and involuntary muscles
¬¬¬_____cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles
12. Which are jobs of the skeletal system?
_____makes calcium, fights disease
_____helps you move, protects your organs
_____helps you breathe, makes your heart beat
¬¬¬_____protects you from disease, makes muscle
13. Which of these kinds of muscle is voluntary?
14. How does a pair of skeletal muscles work together?
_____Both muscles contract at the same time
_____Both muscles relax and then work together
_____When one muscle contracts, the other relaxes
¬¬¬_____When one muscle is voluntary, the other is involuntary
15. Which describes the path of air through the body after it enters the nose or mouth?
_____from bronchial tubes, to trachea, to lungs
_____from pharynx, to trachea, to bronchial tubes
_____from trachea, to bronchial tubes, to pharynx
¬¬¬_____from windpipe, to bronchial tubes, to trachea
16. Which is true of nerve cells, or neurons?
_____they are involuntary muscle cells
_____they are only found in the spinal cord
_____they are also called connective tissue
¬¬¬_____they are in the brain and in the spinal cord
17. What is digestion?
_____what happens in the heart and lungs
_____the process of making blood in bones
_____making sure the body has enough oxygen
¬¬¬_____the process of breaking food into a form cells can use
18. Which are organs of the digestive system?
_____esophagus, small intestine
_____connective tissue, tongue
_____spinal cord, large intestine
¬¬¬_____voluntary muscles, stomach
19. Which tells what the brain does?
_____brings oxygen to the blood
_____helps support the body
_____sends messages to body systems
¬¬¬_____breaks down nutrients so the cells can use them
20. What system is the brain and the spinal cord part of?
_____digestive system
_____circulatory system
_____respiratory system
¬¬¬_____central nervous system
D. Write the answers to the questions on the lines.
4. How do skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles differ?
5. How do the respiratory and circulatory systems provide oxygen to the body and rid it of carbon dioxide?
6. Describe the path of blood through the body.
Appendix 3
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Pre-Survey (Pre-Encuesta)
Name: _________________________________________ Class: _______
Date: _______________________________________
Piensa en la manera cómo has aprendido en las clases de Science hasta este momento. Marca en la tabla una “X” de 1 a 5 en el cuadro que escojas sabiendo que (1) es totalmente falso y que (5) es totalmente verdadero.
Totalmente verdadero
5 Verdadero
4 Regular
3 Falso
2 Totalmente falso
El profesor es el que habla la mayoría del tiempo
El profesor es el que tiene el control de la clase
El profesor es el que hace las preguntas
El profesor da las explicaciones
El profesor da las instrucciones o las lee
El profesor te anima a preguntar
El profesor te deja hacer preguntas
Haces preguntas en clase
El profesor te ayuda a que aprendas
El profesor te enseña a investigar
Trabajas en parejas o en grupos
Tú aprendes por ti mismo con la ayuda del profesor
Totalmente verdadero
5 Verdadero
4 Regular
3 Falso
2 Totalmente falso
Tienes oportunidades de descubrir el conocimiento
Tú colaboras en el aprendizaje de los temas
Reflexionas en cómo aprendiste algo
Te animan a aprender por ti mismo
Te animan a ser responsable de tu aprendizaje
Te dejan escoger y proponer temas para aprender
Te dejan usar tu propio método para aprender o trabajar mejor
Te dejan escoger materiales a ti mismo para aprender
Te dejan ser como un mini-científico que investiga y explora
Desarrollas habilidades de pensamiento
Te dejan calificar tu propio trabajo y señalar tus fortalezas y debilidades
Haces experimentos, observas y manipulas objetos
Buscas información tu mismo en diferentes partes
Desarrollas estrategias para aprender mejor
Te dan la oportunidad de mostrar lo que sabes y puedes
Investigas para dar respuesta a tus preguntas
Te gusta tomar el control de tu propio aprendizaje
Te encargas de aprender por ti mismo
Conoces tu estilo de aprendizaje
Usas estrategias para aprender mejor
Aprendes mejor escuchando
Totalmente verdadero
5 Verdadero
4 Regular
3 Falso
2 Totalmente falso
Aprendes mejor viendo
Aprendes mejor tocando
Aprendes mejor moviéndote
Aprendes mejor leyendo y escribiendo
Aprendes mejor hablando con otros
Appendix 4
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Post-Survey (Post-Encuesta)
Name: _________________________________________ Class: _______
Date: _______________________________________
Piensa en la manera cómo has aprendido acerca de los sistemas del cuerpo humano durante estas tres semanas en la clase de Science.
Marca en la tabla una “X” de 1 a 5 en el cuadro que escojas sabiendo que (1) es totalmente falso y que (5) es totalmente verdadero.
Totalmente verdadero
5 Verdadero
4 Regular
3 Falso
2 Totalmente falso
El profesor es el que habla la mayoría del tiempo
El profesor es el que tiene el control de la clase
El profesor es el que hace las preguntas
El profesor da las explicaciones
El profesor da las instrucciones o las lee
El profesor te anima a preguntar
El profesor te deja hacer preguntas
Haces preguntas en clase
El profesor te ayuda a que aprendas
El profesor te enseña a investigar
Trabajas en parejas o en grupos
Totalmente verdadero
5 Verdadero
4 Regular
3 Falso
2 Totalmente falso
Tú aprendes por ti mismo con la ayuda del profesor
Tienes oportunidades de descubrir el conocimiento
Tú colaboras en el aprendizaje de los temas
Reflexionas en cómo aprendiste algo
Te animan a aprender por ti mismo
Te animan a ser responsable de tu aprendizaje
Te dejan escoger y proponer temas para aprender
Te dejan usar tu propio método para aprender o trabajar mejor
Te dejan escoger materiales a ti mismo para aprender
Te dejan ser como un mini-científico que investiga y explora
Desarrollas habilidades de pensamiento
Te dejan calificar tu propio trabajo y señalar tus fortalezas y debilidades
Haces experimentos, observas y manipulas objetos
Buscas información tu mismo en diferentes partes
Desarrollas estrategias para aprender mejor
Te dan la oportunidad de mostrar lo que sabes y puedes
Investigas para dar respuesta a tus preguntas
Te gusta tomar el control de tu propio aprendizaje
Te encargas de aprender por ti mismo
Conoces tu estilo de aprendizaje
Usas estrategias para aprender mejor
Totalmente verdadero
5 Verdadero
4 Regular
3 Falso
2 Totalmente falso
Aprendes mejor escuchando
Aprendes mejor viendo
Aprendes mejor tocando
Aprendes mejor moviéndote
Aprendes mejor leyendo y escribiendo
Aprendes mejor hablando con otros
Appendix 5
Student’s portfolio
The following is a sample of a student’s portfolio. Each student will be asked to bring a folder on the first day of the inquiry-based unit and they will keep the folders at school and continually add to them. Students will put in samples as describe below and they will order them according to the dates when the work is completed. At the beginning of the portfolio, I will write a note to students and parents explaining what the portfolio is and how he is expected to put it together. With each sample of work, I will put a description sheet which basically will describe the activity and evaluate how well the child completed the task in terms of autonomy awareness, that is to say, if he identified strategies that he could use to achieve the goal of the task and if he identified his preferred learning style to achieve it.
In each descriptor I will write:
- The date of the activity
- A description of the activity and a brief outline of the topic we are studying
- The purpose of the activity and the objectives we were working towards.
- A list of outcomes the children are expected to achieve or skills they have shown in terms of autonomy awareness.
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Student’s portfolio
Student’s name: ________________________________________________________
Class: _________________ Date: __________________________________________
Dear student,
During this inquiry-based science unit about the systems of the human body, your teacher will use your portfolio as a means to collect samples of all the work you do in twelve lessons for three weeks. Your portfolio is a folder in which you will keep in chronological order everything you do in science class or at the laboratory (class notes, questions you ask, pictures you draw, reading materials, worksheets, flip chart activities, inquiry activities, experiment reports, projects, book exercises, workbook exercises, quizzes, concept webs, vocabulary lists, graphic organizers, summaries, or any other activity that you do in or out of class).
This folder will allow your teacher to see if you increase your ability to identify strategies that help you learn better and identify your own preferred learning style, after he makes you aware of the learning goals and the content of the materials that you use during this unit about the systems of the human body.
You will collect in your portfolio all the work samples that you do in science class for three weeks. Since some of the work during this unit about the systems of the human body is hands on and concrete, and this type of work can be difficult to put in your portfolio, you will use worksheets to complement your hands-on activities that are done in the classroom. Here's some ideas of what you can put into your portfolio:
Work samples – all classwork and other worksheet type activities that reflect what you learn during this unit. These samples should cover the following areas:
What are the skeletal and muscular systems?
-Parts of organ systems
-The skeletal system
-Building strong bones
-The human skeleton
-The muscular system
-Voluntary muscles
-Involuntary muscles
-Muscle tissue
What are the respiratory and circulatory systems?
-The respiratory system
-Parts of the respiratory system
-How pumps and passages in the heart work together
-The heart
What are the digestive and nervous systems?
-The digestive system
-Parts of the digestive system
-The central nervous system
-The spinal cord
-The brain
Lesson quizzes, chapter quizzes, and unit assessment -all classwork and other worksheet type activities that reflect what you learn during this unit. These samples should cover the following areas:
What are the skeletal and muscular systems?
-Parts of organ systems
-The skeletal system
-Building strong bones
-The human skeleton
-The muscular system
-Voluntary muscles
-Involuntary muscles
-Muscle tissue
What are the respiratory and circulatory systems?
-The respiratory system
-Parts of the respiratory system
-How pumps and passages in the heart work together
-The heart
What are the digestive and nervous systems?
-The digestive system
-Parts of the digestive system
-The central nervous system
-The spinal cord
-The brain
Photos, pictures, videos - of things you make or activities you are involved in with a written description to accompany them. These samples should cover the following areas:
-What are the skeletal and muscular systems?
-Parts of organ systems
-The skeletal system
-Building strong bones
-The human skeleton
-The muscular system
-Voluntary muscles
-Involuntary muscles
-Muscle tissue
-What are the respiratory and circulatory systems?
-The respiratory system
-Parts of the respiratory system
-How pumps and passages in the heart work together
-The heart
-What are the digestive and nervous systems?
-The digestive system
-Parts of the digestive system
-The central nervous system
-The spinal cord
-The brain
Checklists and self-assessment tools – your teacher will give you some simple ones that your parents can understand.
Science objectives
_____ I know that complex animals have specialized organs to carry out life processes.
_____ I know that living things are composed of cells.
_____ I know the major organs of the human body.
_____ I understand the functions of various body systems.
_____ I know that the human body is made of systems with structures and functions that
are related.
_____ I know that similar cells form different kinds of structures.
_____ I know that it is important to keep accurate records and descriptions to provide
information and clues on causes of discrepancies in related experiments.
_____ I know that, through the use of science processes and knowledge, people can
solve problems, make decisions, and form new ideas.
Skeletal and muscular systems
_____ I know that bones support the body and protect internal organs.
_____ I know that many bones produce different kinds of blood cells.
_____ I know that joints, places where bones connect, are classified according to the
kind of movement they allow.
_____ I know that voluntary muscles can be consciously controlled.
_____ I know that involuntary muscles are not under conscious control.
_____ I know that three types of muscle tissue are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
Respiratory and circulatory systems
_____ I know that oxygen is carried from the lungs to the rest of the body by the blood.
_____ I know that oxygen-poor blood is pumped back to the heart and then to the lungs.
_____ I know that the heart has four chambers, two ventricles and two atria.
Digestive and nervous systems
_____ I know that the large intestine is a digestive organ that absorbs liquid and stores
body waste.
_____ I know the path of food as it travels through the body.
_____ I know that the central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
_____ I know that a nerve is made of a bundle of nerve cells, or neurons.
_____ I know that signals travel from one nerve cell extension to another.
Oral recounts – If the teacher does or says something that you think is important about the systems of the human body, do a verbal recall of it and write your words describing what you experienced and learned.
Selected work and work you do on your own – you can choose pictures, photos, videos, or pieces of your own work you wish to put into your portfolio and then the teacher will ask you to describe why you chose it. These samples should cover the areas mentioned above:
Sample Student Portfolio Rubric
Points Required items Concepts/Autonomy awareness Reflection Overall Presentation
6.5-7 All required items are included, with a significant number of additions. Items clearly demonstrate that the desired learning outcomes for the inquiry-based unit have been achieved. The student has gained a significant understanding of the concepts and applications demonstrating a remarkable increase of his autonomy awareness. Reflections illustrate the ability to effectively identify strategies used to achieve the goals of the tasks and to identify the preferred learning style to achieve them. Items are clearly introduced, well organized, and creatively displayed, showing connection between them.
5-6.4 All required items are included, with a few additions. Items clearly demonstrate most of the desired learning outcomes for the inquiry-based unit. The student has gained a general understanding of the concepts and applications demonstrating an increase of his autonomy awareness. Reflections illustrate the ability to effectively identify strategies used to achieve the goals of the tasks and to identify the preferred learning style to achieve them.
Items are introduced and well organized, showing connection between them.
3-4.9 All required items are included. Items demonstrate some of the desired learning outcomes for the inquiry-based unit. The student has gained some understanding of the concepts and attempts to apply them demonstrating some increase of his autonomy awareness. Reflections illustrate the ability to effectively identify strategies used to achieve the goals of the tasks and to identify the preferred learning style to achieve them. Items are introduced and somewhat organized, showing some connection between them.
1-2.9 A significant number of required items are missing. Items do not demonstrate basic learning outcomes for the inquiry-based unit. The student has limited understanding of the concepts and does not demonstrate an increase of his autonomy awareness. Reflections illustrate the ability to effectively identify strategies used to achieve the goals of the tasks and to identify the preferred learning style to achieve them.
Items are not introduced and lack organization.
0 No work submitted
Based on Pierette Pheeney, in The Science Teacher, October 1998.
Appendix 6
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Field notes format
Teacher: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________
Time: _________ Class: _________ Lesson N°: ________
Notes to self Observations
Inquiry-based process
Autonomy awareness
Inquiry-based process
Autonomy awareness
Appendix 7
Inquiry-based science unit
Systems of the human body
Inquiry-based learning methodology
All the inquiry-based lessons will:
• Start with an open-ended question or demonstration (as opposed to beginning a lesson with definitions and explanations).
• Gather responses and subsequent questions from students with little comment or direction.
• Require students to collaborate on designing experiments or methods of inquiry.
• Require Student teams to conduct experiments or gather data.
• Re-evaluate questions based on new data and re-experiment or collect new data based on revised questions.
• Require students to present findings as an oral presentation, a poster presentation or an evaluative write-up.
Autonomy awareness
All the inquiry-based lessons will:
-Make learners aware of the pedagogical goals and content of the materials they are using in the inquiry-based unit.
-Have learners identify strategy implications of pedagogical inquiry-based tasks and identify their own preferred learning styles / strategies.
Lesson N° Lesson/Activity Pacing Objectives Vocabulary/skills assessment Resources
1 Pre-test 45 minutes To measure how much students already know about the systems of the human body Voluntary muscles
Involuntary muscles
Infectious disease
Immune system
vaccine Pre-test Pre-test sheets
2 Survey 45 minutes To find out how much students know about inquiry- based science and autonomy awareness Survey Survey sheet
3 The skeletal system 45 minutes -To identify that bones support the body and protect internal organs.
-To identify that many bones produce different kinds of blood cells.
-To identify that joints, places where bones connect, are classified according to the kind of movement they allow. Bones
Internal organs
Blood cells
Ball-and-socket joint
Hinge joint
Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Scott Foresman Science grade 5
4 The muscular system 45 minutes -To identify that voluntary muscles can be consciously controlled.
knows that involuntary muscles are not under conscious control.
-To identify that three types of muscle tissue are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
Voluntary muscles
Involuntary muscles
Muscle tissue
Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Scott Foresman Science DVD grade 5
5 The respiratory system 45 minutes -To identify that oxygen is carried from the lungs to the rest of the body by the blood.
Air sacs
Bronchial tubes
Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Scott Foresman Science grade 5
6 The circulatory system 45 minutes -To identify that oxygen-poor blood is pumped back to the heart and then to the lungs.
Oxygen-rich blood
Oxygen-poor blood
Veins Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Scott Foresman Science grade 5
7 The heart 45 minutes -To identify that the heart has four chambers, two ventricles and two atria.
Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Pictures of the human heart
8 The digestive system 45 minutes -To identify that the large intestine is a digestive organ that absorbs liquid and stores body waste.
-To describe the path of food as it travels through the body.
Break down
Small intestine
Large intestine
Waste Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Scott Foresman Science grade 5
9 The nervous system 45 minutes -To identify that the central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
-To identify that a nerve is made of a bundle of nerve cells, or neurons.
-To identify that signals travel from one nerve cell extension to another.
Central nervous system
Spinal cord
Electrical signals Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Scott Foresman Science grade 5
Graphic organizer
10 Inquiry-based unit review 45 minutes To review the main concepts about the systems of the human body to prepare students for the unit post-test Bones
Internal organs
Blood cells
Ball-and-socket joint
Hinge joint
Voluntary muscles
Involuntary muscles
Muscle tissue
Air sacs
Bronchial tubes
Oxygen-rich blood
Oxygen-poor blood
Central nervous system
Spinal cord
Electrical signals Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Inquiry-based unit review sheet
11 Post-test 45 minutes To find out how much students learnt about the systems of the human body compared to what they knew before the inquiry-based unit started Voluntary muscles
Involuntary muscles
Infectious disease
Immune system
vaccine Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Post-test sheet
12 Survey 45 minutes To find out how much students improve their autonomy awareness by means of the inquiry-based unit Scaffolded questions
Lesson review questions Survey sheet
Appendix 8
Project program
Through an inquiry-based unit project, students will increase their autonomy awareness during three weeks within their science classes in the classroom and at the science laboratory. The assignments will be completed individually, in pairs, and in teams and are due on specific dates, unless otherwise noted.
Assignments for the inquiry based unit project
Week Date Tasks for the inquiry-based lessons Production which has to be included in the portfolio
1 April 20-24 Directed inquiry lessons
-Skeletal and muscular systems
-Parts of organ systems
-The skeletal system
-Building strong bones
-The human skeleton
-The muscular system
-Voluntary muscles
-Involuntary muscles
-Muscle tissue
Skeletal and muscular systems
knows that bones support the body and protect internal organs.
knows that many bones produce different kinds of blood cells.
knows that joints, places where bones connect, are classified according to the kind of movement they allow.
knows that voluntary muscles can be consciously controlled.
knows that involuntary muscles are not under conscious control.
knows that three types of muscle tissue are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
2 May 4-8 Guided inquiry lessons
-Respiratory and circulatory systems?
-The respiratory system
-Parts of the respiratory system
-How pumps and passages in the heart work together
-The heart
Respiratory and circulatory systems
knows that oxygen is carried from the lungs to the rest of the body by the blood.
knows that oxygen-poor blood is pumped back to the heart and then to the lungs.
knows that the heart has four chambers, two ventricles and two atria.
3 May 18-22 Full inquiry lessons
-Digestive and nervous systems?
-The digestive system
-Parts of the digestive system
-The central nervous system
-The spinal cord
-The brain
Digestive and nervous systems
knows that the large intestine is a digestive organ that absorbs liquid and stores body waste.
knows the path of food as it travels through the body.
knows that the central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
knows that a nerve is made of a bundle of nerve cells, or neurons.
knows that signals travel from one nerve cell extension to another.
4. May 26-27 Final oral presentations
Present orally one of the systems of the human body and answer questions about the topics you developed in your inquiry-based unit project.
All the inquiry-based lessons will:
• Start with an open-ended question or demonstration (as opposed to beginning a lesson with definitions and explanations).
• Gather responses and subsequent questions from students with little comment or direction.
• Require students to collaborate on designing experiments or methods of inquiry.
• Require Student teams to conduct experiments or gather data.
• Re-evaluate questions based on new data and re-experiment or collect new data based on revised questions.
• Require students to present findings as an oral presentation, a poster presentation or an evaluative write-up.
All the inquiry-based lessons will:
-Make learners aware of the pedagogical goals and content of the materials they are using in the inquiry-based unit.
-Have learners identify strategy implications of pedagogical inquiry-based tasks and identify their own preferred learning styles / strategies
Appendix 9
Pre-survey results
Question N° 5 4 3 2 1 Positive Neutral Negative
1 6,10,15,17 2,8,12,14,16,20,22 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,18,21 19 4 11 9 2
2 3,4,5,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,
18,20,22 6,12,1,21 2,7,19 16 18 3 1
3 2,4,7,17 14,22 10,1,3,5,6,8,11,13,18,20 9,12,16,19,21 15 6 10 6
4 1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,
17,20,21,22 6,7,13,16,18,19 2 21 1 0
5 3,6,11,13,14,15,17 4,5,9,18,21,22 2,7,1,8,10,12,19,20 16 13 8 1
Total 44 25 31 8 2 69 31 10
6 5,9,22 1,2,6,12,14,17,21 3,4,11,18 10,19,20 7,8,13,15,16 10 4 8
7 5,1,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,
20,21,22 2 3,8,13 19 3 0
8 11,13,17,19,22 1,6,7,8,12,14,18,20 3,4,9,10,15,16,21 2,5 13 7 2
9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
20,21,22 13 15,16 20 2 0
10 1,3,5,9,11,12,15,17,19,21,22 4,6,7,10,14,16,18,20 2,8,13 19 3 0
11 4,5,12,14,22 9,12,13,16 1,3,6,7,10,11,15,17,
18,20,21 19 2,8 9 11 2
12 6,8,10,11,15,17,19,22 1,2,3,5,12,20,21 13,14,18 16 4,7,9 15 3 4
13 5,7,10,11,15,16,17,18,20 1,2,3,6,21,22 4,12,14 8,9,19 13 15 3 4
14 4,5,11,1 7,8,12,13,16,17,20,22 2,3,6,9,10,14,15,18,21 19 12 9 1
15 4,5,7,8,10,11,12,17,20, 3,6,14,15,21,22 2,9,13,16,18 1 19 15 5 2
16 7,9,10,11 4,6,8,14,17,20,21,22 1,3,13,16,18 2,5,12,19 15 12 5 5
17 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,15,16,17 5,9,12,13,1418,21,22 20 19 20 1 1
18 3,10,17,22 4,14 6,9,13,20 5,11,18,21 1,2,7,8,12,15,16,19 6 4 12
19 4,6,7,9,11,12 3,5,14,17,20,22 1,8,10,16,18 13,21 2,15,19 12 5 5
20 10 6,9,13,14,16,22 4,11,17,20,21 2,8 1,3,5,7,12,15,18,19 7 5 10
21 4,5,10,12,22 1,6,7,9,13,20,21 11,14,16,17,18 2,3,8,15,19 12 5 5
22 6,7,8,9,11,12,15,18,19,22 1,2,4,16,17 3,5,10,13,14,20,21 15 7 0
23 5,7,10 9,13,17,21,22 1,8,11,18 2,4,6,20 3,12,14,15,16,19 8 4 10
24 5,9,11,12,15,22 4,8,10,13,14,16,21 1,2,3,6,7,17,18,19,20 13 9 0
25 10.12.16 17,18,20,22 5,6,8,9,13,19,21 1,2,3,7,11,14,15 4 7 7 8
26 8,11,17,19,22 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,21 3,14,18,20 2 17 4 1
27 1,3,4,5,10,17,21,22 13,18 6,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,19 16,20 2 10 9 3
28 3,8,9,10,12,18 13,21,22 1,4,5,7,11,14,16,20 2,6,15 17,19 9 8 5
29 7,12,15,16 1,6,9,10,11,17,18,20,21 3,8,13,19,22 5,14 2,4 13 5 4
30 10,12 5,16 3,8,11,18,20,21,22 1,2,13,14,19 4,6,7,9,15,17 4 7 11
31 4,8,11,19 1,6,9,13,17,18,20,21,22 2,7,10,16 3,12,14 5,15 13 4 5
32 4,6,7,8,10,11,14,16,17,18,22 12 1,3,5,9,13,21 2 15,19,20 12 6 4
Total 185 152 145 53 59 337 145 112
33 3,7,11,13,15,17,19 1,4,8,12,14,16,18,20,21 2,22 6,9,10 5 16 2 4
34 4,7,8,11,12,14,15,19 3,5,6,13,17 1,2,10,16,20,21,22 18 9 13 7 2
35 19 8,17,21 5,6,12,14,22 1,2,3,9,11,13,18 4,7,10,15,16,20 4 5 13
36 11,18,19,20 4,6,14,17 3,8,22 1,9,10,21 2,5,7,12,13,15,16 8 3 11
37 3,4,7,8,9,10,11,15,20 16,17,19,22 1,2,6,13,14,21 5,12 18 13 6 3
38 5,11,13 4,6,14,18,22 1,3,8,9,10,16,20 19 2,7,12,15,17,21 8 7 7
Total 32 30 30 18 22 62 30 40
Appendix 10
Post-survey results
Question N° 5 4 3 2 1 Positive Neutral Negative
1 2,10,12,15,17 5,6,14,16,20 3,7,8,9,11,13,18,21,22 19 1,4 10 9 3
2 4,5,9,10,11,13,15,17,20,22 2,3,6,12,14,16,21 1,7,8,18,19 17 5 0
3 7,3 2,5,6,8,10,11,13,19,20 14,15,16,18,21,
22 1,4,9,12,17 2 9 11
4 3,5,8,10,12,15,16,17,21,22 2,7,13,14,20 1,6,9,11,18 4,19 15 5 2
5 11,14,15 3,6,8,16,17,19,22 2,5,7,10,12,13,18,20,21 1,4 9 10 9 3
Total 30 24 37 9 10 54 37 19
6 5,8,12,17,19 3,4,7,9,10,11, 13,15,18,20,21,22
1,6 2,14,16 17 2 3
7 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,
15,16,17,20,21,22 2,3,11,12,18,19 22 0 0
8 1,4,6,8,13,16,19,22 3,7,9,12,14,15,17,18,20,21 5,10,11 2 18 3 1
9 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
21 3,13,22 2 21 0 1
10 4,5,10,12,13,17,22 3,6,7,8,9,11,14,15,16,18,
19,20,21 1,2 20 2 0
11 1,4,8,17,21,22 3,5,6,9,13,14,20 2,7,10,11,12,15,16,18,
19 13 9 0
12 1,6,9,10,12,17,20 3,4,11,13,15,18,19,21,22 8,14,16 2,5 7 16 3 3
13 2,4,5,7,9,11,12,14,16,
17,20,22 1,3,6,10,21 13,18 19 8,15 17 2 3
14 4,6,10,12,15 5,7,9,11,17,19,20,22 1,3,8,14,16,18 2,13,21 13 6 3
15 4,5,7,9,12,17,20 3,10,13,14,16,18,19,21,22 2,6,8,11 1,15 16 4 2
16 4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,17,19,22 3,10,14,15,16,18,20,21 1,13 2 19 2 1
17 1,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,15,17,19,20,22 9,14,18,21 2,3,12,16 13 17 4 1
18 12,13,22 2,3,4,6,8,10,11,19,21 1,5,9,14,17,18,20 7,15,16 12 7 3
19 5,6,7,10,12,17,22 1,3,4,9,11,14,16,20 2,13,18,21 15,19 8 15 4 3
20 4,9,12,16,17,21,22 2,3,6,10,18,20 8,11,13 1,5,14 7,15,19 13 3 6
21 4,5,6,10,12,14,17,21,22 7,11,13,16 1,2,3,18,19 8,9,15,20 13 5 4
22 4,7,8,12,13,15,16,17,22 1,3,5,6,9,10,11,14,19,20 18,21 2 19 2 1
23 10,22 5,13,15,17,18,19,20 1,6,9,11,12,16,21 2,7,14 3,4,8 9 7 6
24 4,5,6,9,10,19,20,22 1,2,7,8,11,12,14,17,18,21 3,13,15 16 18 3 1
25 4,6,12,17,19,20,22 1,2,3,5,9,10,11,13,16,18,
21 7,8,14 15 18 3 1
26 4,5,6,8,10,12,13,16,17,18,22 1,3,7,9,11,14,15,19,20,21 2 21 0 1
27 4,9,11,12,15,17,18,22 1,3,5,6,7,8,21 2,10,13,14,16,20 19 15 6 1
28 5,6,9,10,11,12,17,22 1,2,3,4,7,13,18,19,21 8,14,16,20 15 17 4 1
29 5,11 6,7,9,10,13,16,17,19,20 2,3,8,12,18,21 1,14,15,22 4 11 6 5
30 12 5,6,9,11,13,16,17,18,20,22 2,7,8,10,14,19,21 3 1,4,15 11 7 4
31 5,6,7,8,11,12,16,17,18,19,20,22 3,4,9,10,13,21 1,2 14 15 18 2 2
32 4,6,7,10,11,12,16,17,19,20,22 3,5,8,9,13,14,18,21 1,2 15 19 2 1
Total 220 218 98 32 26 438 98 58
33 8,11,12,15,16,17 1,4,6,7,9,13,14,18,19,20,
21,22 2, 3 5,10 18 1 3
34 6,8,11,12,17,19 2,3,7,13,14,16,18,21,22 4,9, 1,20 5,10,15 15 2 5
35 8,7 5,9,17,22 1,2,4,11,13,14,16,18,19,21 3,6,10,12,
15,20 2 4 16
36 7,8,11 14,19 9,17,18 1,2,4,6,13,21,22 3,5,10,12,
15,16,21 5 3 14
37 4,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,16,20,22 6,13,17,18,19 2,5,14 1,3 21 16 3 3
38 8,11,19 4,5,12,14 3,6,7,13,16,17,18,20 1,9,22 2,10,15,21 7 8 7
Total 31 32 21 25 23 63 21 48
Appendix 11
Research Project Timeline
(José Augusto Lugo)
Activity/Month January February March April May June
Step 1: Initiation September 2008-February 2009
Identifying the problem
Researching upon the problem
Defining/narrowing the question
Gathering the information
Selecting suitable sources
Writing the literature review (draft 1)
Step 2: Preliminary Investigation
Step 3: Literature review (Second week of March)
Final version of literature review
Step 4: Design of action plan Updating timeline
(first week of March)
Step 5: Implementation Getting familiar with data collection instruments
Selecting/modifying/designing data collection instruments
Applying data collection instruments
Monitoring/observing the data collection process
Step 6: Monitoring/data collection
Step 7:
A: Analysis of data Data analysis Data analysis
B: Interpretation of data Interpretation of data Interpretation
of data
Step 8: Reflection & decision making More conclusions
Recommendations for further work
Iniciation of research cycle II
Step 9: Sharing findings Sharing findings
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
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